Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Resolutions.

I've never been a big one for New Year Resolutions. Why? Because no one ever holds to them. I've tried before and I do great for the first week. Then I slowly forget about them or just don't care.

But for 2013, I want to make resolutions that I will actually stick too. Nothing crazy. Doable things. So here they are. I'm putting them on my blog so that Sarah and the rest of you awesome bloggers out there can hold me accountable!

  1. Get stronger in my Spiritual life. This includes going to church every Sunday morning and spending time daily doing devotions.
  2. Work out at least 5 times a week for a minimum of 45 minutes. At least 30 minutes of that time needs to be cardio.
  3. Drink water! Drink 10 glasses of water daily and limit soda/sweet tea to one day a week.
  4. Be able to fit comfortably in a size 12. This may sound silly but I would be out of my mind with happiness! 
  5. Complete the C25K running plan. I did a 10k back in 2009 after I lost a lot of weight the first time. It was haaard, but I finished!!
  6. Run in a race! Once I finish the 5k running plan, I want to actually do a 5k. The first and only time I did a race, I switched between walking and running. This time I want to run and not stop even if I have to go slow!


Friday, December 28, 2012

And so it begins...

Hi everyone - My name is Victoria!
I was raised the majority of my life in New England (yep, prepare for some Northern sass, people!).
I'm a college senior at Liberty University... GO Flames!
Now that you know a little bit about me, here is my story....

I know, I know... totes adorbs :)
I always thought I was crazy heavy growing up.
I can't remember wearing any size smaller than a 10 in pants or a medium in shirts.
Even though I was a little chunky, I definitely wasn't as big as I thought.
I've battled my weight all my life and the scale only seems to climb higher.
I made a lot of changes about four years ago and actually dropped about 40 pounds.

Look at me go!
Sadly, I gained it all back and then some.
Have you ever hit rock bottom? All you fatties know what I mean.
That moment when you look at yourself in the mirror or see your fat butt in a picture?
Or there is always that moment when you see that ugly number pop up on a scale?
Well for me, that moment came about a month ago.
I went to a doctor's appointment and of course they made me get on the hideous scale.
When my numbers popped up, I literally could have thrown up.
Never in my life has my weight been that high.

This picture also helped in giving me that "moment". Gag.

I made a promise to myself to work out like a crazy person...
as soon as I got back to school.
I obviously couldn't work out since I was sick. (Excuse #1)

After a couple days, I got back to Liberty and that promise lasted about two days.
Finals came. My house had to be packed and cleaned for break.
Life got in the way. (Excuse #2)

I'm now home for Christmas break.
I head back to Liberty in exactly one week.
So far this break, I have avoided the scale at all costs and tried not to eat too many sweets.
I haven't worked out because of the cold weather (Excuse #3) and the absurd price of a gym membership (Excuse #4).

But honestly, I'm sick and tired.
I hate how I look in the mirror and in pictures.
I don't even want to think of what I look like to other people.
Things need to change.
No more excuses.
So prepare yourselves, folks.
This girl is about to get intense..